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How to force prettier html formatting to format tags in one line?

I use prettier in my VSC, so how to force prettier HTML formatting to format tags in one line, not multiple lines?

enter image description here I want to format something like this all in one line

<v-navigation-drawer :clipped="$vuetify.breakpoint.lgAndUp" v-model="drawer" fixed app>

Does exist any config for prettier HTML formatter?


  • Prettier has the option printWidth. If you set that option to a high number, it will break fewer lines.

    In your .prettierrc.json file, you can override this option for your HTML files:

      // Other options...
      "overrides": [
          // change .html with .vue if you are using Vue files instead of HTML
          "files": "src/**/*.html", 
          "options": {
            "printWidth": 140

    Is not recommendable to use a line-lenght higher than 140. Prettier is opitionated, so it should be used without too many customizations.