I'm trying to log some basic gql method details - resolver/operation name and duration. I've started looking at using .AddHttpRequestInterceptor((context, executor, builder, ct)
and getting the info from the builder, but even though I can see it in the debugger, the method name is buried in private members like:
I'm sure there's an easier and better way to hook into the pipeline to get the method name and log it with the call duration.
I found an article written about GraphQL.Net that uses DefaultGraphQLExecuter -
public class GraphQLExecutorWithDiagnostics<TSchema> : DefaultGraphQLExecuter<TSchema>
which provides an operationName parameter within the
Task<ExecutionResult> ExecuteAsync(
, which looks ideal.
I'll be logging to AppInsights, but that's not relevant for now, I just want to get the info first. I'm using v11.0.8
What you are looking for is the DiagnosticEventListener
You can just extend this base class and override the methods that you need for you logging.
public class CustomDiagnosticListener : DiagnosticEventListener
public override IActivityScope ExecuteRequest(IRequestContext context)
return EmptyScope;
public virtual IActivityScope ResolveFieldValue(IMiddlewareContext context)
return EmptyScope;
To use this diagnostic listener you have to add it to the schema
In case you have dependencies that you listener has to reslove you have to reslove them manually:
sp => new CustomDiagnosticListener(