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How to set JSP response locale in Jetty 7/8?

If I set the HTTP response locale programmatically in a servlet as follows:

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws IOException, ServletException
    // .. etc

Then under Jetty 7 and later, any JSPs trying to read that locale via the expression ${pageContext.response.locale} will get the server's default locale instead of the one set above. If I use Jetty 6 or Tomcat, it works fine.

Here's the full code to demonstrate the problem:

public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {

    // Use a dummy locale that's unlikely to be the user's default
    private static final Locale TEST_LOCALE = new Locale("abcdefg");

    protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException, ServletException
        // Set a known response locale

        // Publish some interesting locales to the JSP as request attributes for debugging
        request.setAttribute("defaultLocale", Locale.getDefault());
        request.setAttribute("testLocale", TEST_LOCALE);

        // Forward the request to our JSP
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/index.jsp").forward(request, response);

And the JSP:

        <title>Locale Tester</title>
        <h2>Locale Tester</h2>
            <li>pageContext.request.locale = '${pageContext.request.locale}'</li>
            <li>default locale = '<%= request.getAttribute("defaultLocale") %>'</li>
            <li>pageContext.response.locale = '${pageContext.response.locale}' (should be '<%= request.getAttribute("testLocale") %>')</li>

Tomcat returns this (correctly):

Locale Tester

    pageContext.request.locale = 'en_AU'
    default locale = 'en_US'
    pageContext.response.locale = 'abcdefg' (should be 'abcdefg')

Jetty 7 returns this (wrongly):

Locale Tester

    pageContext.request.locale = 'en_AU'
    default locale = 'en_US'
    pageContext.response.locale = 'en_US' (should be 'abcdefg')

FWIW, I did all the above testing using the Jetty/Tomcat Maven plugins.


  • I found out via the Jetty mailing list that this is a bug in Jetty 7, which has now been fixed.