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Cron - bad minute errors in crontab file, can't install

So I have a cron file sms.cron that I want to execute every 15 minutes that looks like that:

15 * * * * docker-compose exec php bin/console app:send-sms

I do not precise the path to the command cause the command is at root and the sms.cron as well

I try to run it manualy with command :

crontab sms.cron

And get the following error:

"sms.cron":1: bad minute
errors in crontab file, can't install

I get that I have a syntax error but looked at several similar issue on internet and do not see where this error might come from.

Does anyone have any idea on where this syntax error might come from ? Thanks!


Also tried this syntax:

*/15 * * * * docker-compose exec php bin/console app:send-sms

which returned the following error message :

"sms.cron":0: bad minute
errors in crontab file, can't install.

Output of od -c sms.cron:

0000000   `   `   `  \n   *   /   1   5       *       *       *       *
0000020       d   o   c   k   e   r   -   c   o   m   p   o   s   e    
0000040   e   x   e   c       p   h   p       b   i   n   /   c   o   n
0000060   s   o   l   e       a   p   p   :   s   e   n   d   -   s   m
0000100   s  \n   `   `   `


The issue came from those char: ```

that were present in my cron file before and after my command


  • Your file sms.cron seems to contain lines with 3 backticks


    before and after the line shown in the question. Remove these additional lines.