I am developing the Tizen web application and I used the Tizen push API. I successfully received the alert message from the Tizen push server, but how would like to custom the push message. I used the code below
How could I custom the push message?
I've prepared two working scenarios with push server and Galaxy Watch by following below points.
Handling push message inside running web application
function sendMessage(registeredId, msg) {
if (registeredId == undefined || msg == undefined || msg == "") {
console.err("error registering application!");
var appId = "<<<your application package id>>>";
var sec = "<<<your application's push server secret code>>>";
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
var data = {
"regID": registeredId,
"requestID": "000001",
"message": "action=ALERT&imageTypeIcon=test.jpg&alertMessage="+msg
var idToUrlMap = {
"00": "https://useast.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"02": "https://apsoutheast.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"03": "https://euwest.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"04": "https://apnortheast.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"05": "https://apkorea.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"06": "https://apchina.push.samsungosp.com.cn:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"50": "https://useast.gateway.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"52": "https://apsoutheast.gateway.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"53": "https://euwest.gateway.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"54": "https://apnortheast.gateway.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"55": "https://apkorea.gateway.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push",
"56": "https://apchina.gateway.push.samsungosp.com.cn:8090/spp/pns/api/push"
var url = idToUrlMap[registeredId.substring(0,2)];
request.open("POST", url, true);
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.setRequestHeader("appID", appId);
request.setRequestHeader("appSecret", sec);
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {
console.log("Push Success");
function errorCallback(response) {
console.log("The following error occurred: " + response.name);
function registerSuccessCallback(id) {
console.log("Registration succeeded with id: " + id);
sendMessage(id, message || "Test application message")
function stateChangeCallback(state) {
console.log("The state is changed to: " + state);
if (state == "UNREGISTERED") {
tizen.push.register(registerSuccessCallback, errorCallback);
} else {
var id = tizen.push.getRegistrationId();
sendMessage(id, message || "Test application message")
function notificationCallback(notification) {
console.log("A notification arrives: " + JSON.stringify(notification));
/* Connects to push service. */
tizen.push.connect(stateChangeCallback, notificationCallback, errorCallback);
A notification arrives: {"alertMessage":"Test application message","appData":"","date":"2021-01-19T10:23:11.000Z","message":"action=ALERT&imageTypeIcon=test.jpg&alertMessage=Test application message","requestId":"000001","sender":"","sessionInfo":""}
Background scenario - push message handled automatically by service
Second scenario is when the application is in background and push message is handled automatically by push service. Points 1-3 are the same. After that you need to move your application into background and continue with point 4. After a while customized notification with test.jpg icon should be shown as a system notification.