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Appium Desktop cant start session error ENOTFOUND

I am just trying to connect with my android emulator on the Windows machine, and I am trying for 4 hours. Tried reinstalling it with lower version 1.15, did not work either

1. Set up environment variables Appium window

2. Set up "Desired Capabilities" and press button "Start session". Getting error "ENOTFOUND"

  "deviceName": "emulator-5554",
  "platformName": "android",
  "appPackage": "",
  "appActivity": ".main.impl.MainActivity",
  "noReset": true

enter image description here

3. Message in console enter image description here

EDIT: Tried to find more info through starting java autotests.

appiumDriver = new AndroidDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub"), desiredCapabilities);

Error screen log: enter image description here

full log file

EDIT2. Today I tried the same as what I did before but with another windows 10 machine and it was a successful result, but I still can't find out how to fix this problem on my main working machine.

It might be a silly mistake somewhere, but I really need help to point it out. Thank you.


  • Found answer here: The problem was that I had the environment variable http_proxy