I installed the latest (2021-01-05) version of MinGW https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/installer/mingw-w64-install.exe/download.
It installed, but I can't find mingw-get, so I don't know how to update it. I also can't find make or bash (or rm).
How can I interact with the new version of MinGW?
I don't think this is a good way to have a updatable MinGW environment.
For that, I would recommend using MSYS2, where within the msys2 shell
you can get MINGW packages using the pacman
package manager.
Here you have the mingw-w64 package list. (It is quite extensive - I'm using pastebin for that reason)
First Edit
After installing MSYS2 you need to add a path C:\msys64\usr\bin
to your $PATH.
You could add it via cmd.exe
setx PATH "%PATH%;c:\msys64\usr\bin"
If you need to gdb
you could use scoop
which is a package manager for windows. I'm using it regularly:
PS C:\Users\user> scoop search gdb
'main' bucket:
avr-gcc (10.2.0) --> includes 'avr-gdb.exe'
gdb (9.1-3)
PS C:\Users\user> scoop search MinGW
'extras' bucket:
codeblocks-mingw (20.03)
'main' bucket:
gcc (9.3.0-2) --> includes 'mingw32-make.exe'
msys2 (2021-01-05) --> includes 'mingw'
openssl-mingw (1.1.1i_2)
'versions' bucket:
msys2-20200517 (2020-05-17) --> includes 'mingw'
Again you need to enhance your path. I like to have the MSYS2 in the C:\ so I usually create:
cmd /c mklink /D C:\MSYS64 C:\app_scoop\apps\msys2\current
The instructions are for you.
For your students I would recommend creating a portable package which would include all necessary stuff. They would need to unpack it only.