Consider the following nested flatmap structure:
val isValid: F[Boolean] = userRepository.isValid(username, password)
isValid.flatMap(valid =>
if (valid) {
userRepository.getClaims(username).flatMap(claims => {
val token = JWTRefreshService.createToken(claims)
} else {
Unauthorized(headers.`WWW-Authenticate`(NonEmptyList.of(Challenge(scheme = "Bearer", realm =
"Access to authorize a request"))))
where F
is F[_] : Sync
How can i rewrite this structure into a for-comprehension. I cant figure out how to rewrite the if else clause without creating a nested for-comprehension.
I would go with something like this:
for {
isValid <- userRepository.isValid(username, password)
validation <- if (isValid) createToken(username)
NonEmptyList.of(Challenge(scheme = "Bearer", realm = "Access to authorize a request"))
} yield validation
def createToken[F: Sync](username: String): F[YourADT] = for {
claims <- userRepository.getClaims(username)
token <- JWTRefreshService.createToken(claims)
} yield Created(token)