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WPF binding different Shapes to a DataTemplate in an ItemsControl

I'd like to bind different System.Windows.Shapes.Shape to a DataTemplate in an ItemsControl. I have the followng ItemsControl drawing shapes on a Canvas based on an array with positions and shape informations:

<ItemsControl Width="800" ItemsSource="{Binding ShapesPositionArray}">
            <Canvas Name="sequenceCanvas" Width="800" Height="800" ClipToBounds="True"/>
        <Style TargetType="ContentPresenter">
            <Setter Property="Canvas.Left" Value="{Binding X}"/>
            <Setter Property="Canvas.Top" Value="{Binding Y}"/>
            <Ellipse  Width="5" Height="5" Fill="Black"/>

If I bind with a Shape like Ellipse (like the example) or Rectangle or Polygon it is perfectly working, but I need to have at the same time different shapes, like Polygons and Ellipses. I tried to associate the DataTemplate to an object PartShape of type Shapes using a ContentControl:

        <ContentControl Content="{Binding PartShape}" />

The PartShape on the in VM is an object like this:

public System.Windows.Shapes.Shape PartShape
        System.Windows.Shapes.Shape r = new System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse();
        r.Width = 20;
        r.Height = 5;
        return r;

The binding is ok and gives no error, but it does not work, it draws nothing on canvas. How could I do?



  • you need to colorize the shape. it is added but not visible.

    System.Windows.Shapes.Shape r = new System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse 
        Width = 20,
        Height = 5,
        Fill = Brushes.Blue
    public System.Windows.Shapes.Shape PartShape
        get { return r; }