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Using OnIdiom with AbsoluteLayout

I have circular buttons and am trying to change the size of them depending on if they are on phone or tablet using AbsolutLayout.

Here is my xaml:

<Frame BackgroundColor="{StaticResource ThemeColor}" Padding="0" CornerRadius="40" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="{StaticResource HomeCircle}" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="PositionProportional"> 
    <Label Text="&#xf5a0;" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" Style="{StaticResource Icon}" TextColor="{StaticResource LabelColor}"/> 
        <TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="Directions"/> 

        <OnIdiom x:Key="HomeCircle" x:TypeArguments="Frame" Phone=".85,.375, 80, 80"
                                                            Tablet=".85,.375, 120, 120"/> 

I looked at this resource and it did not work:

How to use attached properties such as Grid.Row, AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags to OnPlatform tag in Xamarin Forms

Edit: Have tried TypeArguments of Rectangle, AbsoluteLayout, and Frame and they all give this error:

Error XFC0009 No property, BindableProperty, or event found for "Phone", or mismatching type between value and property.

Edit: Have also looked at this thread and it provides the same error:


  • I faced the same problem in the past. My solution is to set the AbsoluteLayout bounds by Binding in place of StaticResource.

    In the ViewModel:

    public Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle HomeCircle => Xamarin.Forms.Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Phone ? new Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle(0.5f, 0.5f, 80, 80) : new Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle(0.5f, 0.5f, 120, 120);

    In the yaml:

       <Frame BackgroundColor="Gray"
          AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="{Binding HomeCircle}"
          <Label Text="TEST"
                <TapGestureRecognizer Command="{Binding DoSomething}"/>

    Anyway AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds requires Rectangle, and markup doesn't always allow everything :)