I am new to react and gatsby, but it looks a little fun to learn. So my idea is to build a website that has a page from each row of Google Sheets. So you can say I want to make google sheets CMS. There are other easier tools to use for this, but some just stop developing and some are hella expensive to use. So I want to make it manually using papaparse plugin.
My google sheets are "published for web" in the form of CSV. I want to use react-papaparse for in-browser CSVtoJSON parsing. My gatsby-node.js is copying from the gatsby docs so it is a little barebone.
in my gatsby-node.js
const papaparse = require("react-papaparse")
exports.sourceNodes = ({ actions, createNodeId, createContentDigest }) => {
const { createNode } = actions
const myData = papaparse.readRemoteFile("published sheet links",{
download: true,
header: true,
delimiter: ',',
dynamicTyping: true,
const nodeContent = JSON.stringify(myData)
const nodeMeta = {
id: createNodeId(`my-data-${myData.key}`),
parent: null,
children: [],
internal: {
type: `MyNodeType`,
mediaType: `text/html`,
content: nodeContent,
contentDigest: createContentDigest(myData)
const node = Object.assign({}, myData, nodeMeta)
When I run, it throws XMLHttpRequest is not defined error in my google sheet links. So it seems about CORS problem? What is the workaround for this?
Thank you
I'm afraid you won't be able to use XMLHttpRequest
since it will be never available in the Node server (for obvious reasons), it will be available on your browser-side, but in your use-case, you need it to be available in the Node server, at the build-time, to create your schema.
You can try using some other fetching methods (fetch
, axios, etc) or use some plugins like gatsby-source-google-sheets
. You just need to install the plugin and:
resolve: 'gatsby-source-google-sheets',
options: {
spreadsheetId: 'get this from the sheet url',
worksheetTitle: 'ie the name in the worksheet tab',
credentials: require('./path-to-credentials-file.json')
This will fetch in the build-time your sheets, creating the inferred GraphQL node schema