I am serving a model on a VM through gunicorn + uvicorn.
It is automatically started by supervisord, running api.sh
source /home/asd/.virtual_envs/myproject/bin/activate
/home/asd/.virtual_envs/myproject/bin/gunicorn --max-requests-jitter 30 -w 6 -b api:app -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker
Without getting too much into api.py
, it contains these main parts:
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from models import SomeModelClass
app = Starlette(debug=False)
model = SomeModelClass()
@app.route('/do_things', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'HEAD'])
async def add_styles(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
params = request.query_params
elif request.method == 'POST':
params = await request.json()
elif request.method == 'HEAD':
return UJSONResponse([])
# Doing things
result = model(params)
return UJSONResponse(result)
What happens is that I start getting these errors after the api is up for a few days:
[INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.0.3
[ERROR] Connection in use: ('', 4080)
[ERROR] Retrying in 1 second.
[ERROR] Connection in use: ('', 4080)
[ERROR] Retrying in 1 second.
[ERROR] Connection in use: ('', 4080)
[ERROR] Retrying in 1 second.
[ERROR] Connection in use: ('', 4080)
[ERROR] Retrying in 1 second.
Restarting api in supervisord does nothing, I get the same messages as above. The only way I found that works is:
process): sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
kill -9 [PID]
Do you have any ideas how to solve this?
The code actually used Pool
from multiprocessing
and that is most likely what caused this issue.
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from models import SomeModelClass
from multiprocessing import Pool
from utils import myfun
app = Starlette(debug=False)
model = SomeModelClass()
@app.route('/do_things', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'HEAD'])
async def add_styles(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
params = request.query_params
elif request.method == 'POST':
params = await request.json()
elif request.method == 'HEAD':
return UJSONResponse([])
# Doing things
result = model(params)
# Start of the offending code
pool = Pool(4)
result = pool.map(myfun, result, chunksize=1)
# End of the offending code
return UJSONResponse(result)
The solution for that is to replace multiprocessing
with concurrency
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from models import SomeModelClass
import concurrent.futures
from utils import myfun
app = Starlette(debug=False)
model = SomeModelClass()
@app.route('/do_things', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'HEAD'])
async def add_styles(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
params = request.query_params
elif request.method == 'POST':
params = await request.json()
elif request.method == 'HEAD':
return UJSONResponse([])
# Doing things
result = model(params)
# Start of the fix
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
result = executor.map(myfun, result)
result = list(result)
# End of the fix
return UJSONResponse(result)