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mongodb operator deployment in openshift "Failed to apply default image tag "/:4.2.6" invalid reference format"

Im referring to mongodb community operator from and trying to deploy it in openshift or okd

git clone
cd mongodb-kubernetes-operator 
kubectl create namespace mongodb
kubectl create -f deploy/operator/role.yaml --namespace mongodb
kubectl create -f deploy/operator/role_binding.yaml --namespace mongodb
kubectl create -f deploy/operator/service_account.yaml --namespace mongodb
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/mongodb.com_mongodb_crd.yaml --namespace mongodb

oc apply -f deploy/openshift/operator_openshift.yaml -n mongodb
oc apply -f deploy/crds/mongodb.com_v1_mongodb_openshift_cr.yaml -n mongodb

Operator pod is successfully running but mongodb replica set pods does not come up. Error is as follows

[kubenode@master mongodb-kubernetes-operator]$ oc get pods
NAME                                           READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
example-openshift-mongodb-0                    0/2       InvalidImageName   10         31m
mongodb-kubernetes-operator-66bfcbcf44-rqp5l   1/1       Running            0          32m

 Failed to apply default image tag "/:4.2.6": couldn't parse image reference "/:4.2.6": invalid reference format

enter image description here Here as the error indicates it is pulling the wrong image and i tried to update the image using oc edit statefulset.apps/example-openshift-mongodb. Once I update the image name correctly and save, i dont see the changes saved. Please let me know what could be done to update the image to right one

Operator Information

  • Operator Version: 0.3.0
  • MongoDB Image used: 4.2.6

Kubernetes Cluster Information

[kubenode@master mongodb-kubernetes-operator]$ openshift version
openshift v3.11.0+62803d0-1

[kubenode@master mongodb-kubernetes-operator]$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"11+", GitVersion:"v1.11.0+d4cacc0", GitCommit:"d4cacc0", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-10-15T09:45:30Z", GoVersion:"go1.10.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"11+", GitVersion:"v1.11.0+d4cacc0", GitCommit:"d4cacc0", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-12-07T17:59:40Z", GoVersion:"go1.10.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}


  • I realized that since mongo statefulset are created using operator and crd the changes done directly to statefulsets are not getting saved. Hence editing the the crd file that is has helped me to solve the issue. Add a new line with image: mongo:4.2.6 after line no 33 in the mongodb.com_v1_mongodb_openshift_cr.yaml and then deploy