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create rook-ceph cluster on minikube

I am on ubuntu 20.04 and trying to create a rook-ceph cluster.

I have kvm2 installed to try it.

This is what I am doing but I don't see the node accessing storage.

minikube start --vm-driver=kvm2 minikube mount /dev/vda1 /data/ceph

and I followed the rook installation. Is there anything I am missing? Thanks.


  • Create Volume using qemu and attach disk with virsh.

    Like this:

    sudo -S qemu-img create -f raw /var/lib/libvirt/images/minikube-box2-vm-disk1-50G 50G
    virsh -c qemu:///system attach-disk minikube --source /var/lib/libvirt/images/minikube-box2-vm-disk1-50G --target vdb --cache none
    virsh -c qemu:///system reboot --domain minikube