I've got a field named signal_notes containing strings like the follow (this would be a single value of signal_notes):
"{ ^search_date^: ^2021-01-05^,
^filing_date^: ^^,
^expiry_date^: ^^,
^other_liens^: ^^,
^who_1st_positon^: ^^,
^who_2nd_position^: ^^,
^who_3rd_position^: ^^,
^priority_from_1^: ^^,
^priority_from_2^: ^^,
^priority_from_3^: ^^,
^notes^: ^^
^client_facing_notes^: ^^
Sometimes, the ^expiry_date^ line will have a date between the ^'s in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
My new field expiry_date will ideally be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' with the date string from the signal_notes field.
This is what I've got so far, but it returns nothing.
(regexp_substr(signal_notes, 'expiry_date [0-9-]*' )) as expiry_date
from db
Ive also tried
(regexp_substr( signal_notes, '^expiry_date^: ^[0-9-]*^' )) as first_as_of_date_context
with the same results.
Any advice welcome
If I understand correctly, you want a subexpression. The ^
is a pain, one way around that is:
regexp_substr(signal_notes, '.expiry_date.: .([0-9-]*).', 1, 1, 'e')
This is very similar to your last attempt, except it has the subexpression so it should only return the date.
You should also be able to use \\
as an escape character:
regexp_substr(signal_notes, '\\^expiry_date\\^: \\^([0-9-]*)\\^', 1, 1, 'e')