I'd like to be able to call ExecQueryAsync of SWbemServices in Rust, as in this example in C++ : https://learn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows/win32/wmisdk/example--getting-wmi-data-from-the-local-computer-asynchronously
My problem is it needs an implementation of IWbemObjectSink, and none is available in winapi. The winapi crates provides an interface definition in Rust, but how am I supposed to "implement" it in Rust ? I can write a struct that respects the interface, I can import the interface from the winapi crate, but how can I glue both together ?
I also made some experiments with com-rs crate, as it provides an example to implement an interface with the com::class! macro But what I can do is create another IWbemObjectSink interface and implement it, not starting from the winapi::um::wbemcli:IWbemObjectSink and implement it...
Thanks for your insights
If anyone is trying to implement a COM interface of the winapi crate like IWbemObjectSink, for which WMI does not provide an implementation, here is a way to do so.
DON'T use the com-rs crate maintained by Microsoft as long as they don't add support for the winapi crate. Prefer the com-impl crate, in combination with wio ComPtr (not necessary but handy).
use winapi::{
{IWbemClassObject,IWbemObjectSink, IWbemObjectSinkVtbl},
use com_impl::{ComImpl, VTable, Refcount};
use wio::com::ComPtr;
pub struct QuerySink {
vtbl: VTable<IWbemObjectSinkVtbl>,
refcount: Refcount,
impl QuerySink {
pub fn new() -> ComPtr<IWbemObjectSink> {
let ptr = QuerySink::create_raw();
let ptr = ptr as *mut IWbemObjectSink;
unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(ptr) }
// AddRef and Release methods are provided by com_impl
unsafe impl IWbemObjectSink for QuerySink2 {
pub unsafe fn indicate(
_lObjectCount: c_long,
_apObjArray: *mut *mut IWbemClassObject
) -> HRESULT {
pub unsafe fn set_status(
_lFlags: c_long,
_hResult: HRESULT,
_strParam: BSTR,
_pObjParam: *mut IWbemClassObject
) -> HRESULT {
Some other useful information:
If you need to add members to your class (here yolo
and swag
), procede like this:
pub struct QuerySink2 {
vtbl: VTable<IWbemObjectSinkVtbl>,
refcount: Refcount,
yolo: i32,
swag: u8,
impl QuerySink2 {
pub fn new(param1: i32, param2: u8) -> ComPtr<IWbemObjectSink> {
let ptr = QuerySink2::create_raw(param1, param2);
let ptr = ptr as *mut IWbemObjectSink;
unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(ptr) }
Method names are converted from snake_case to PascalCase by com-impl.
That's why for my QuerySink I used set_status
and indicate
which are mapped to SetStatus
and Indicate
. com-impl provides a #[com_name = "..."]
attribute if you want to do it your way. The best way to understand the details is to look at the comments in https://github.com/Connicpu/com-impl/blob/master/derive-com-impl/src/lib.rs