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Pymssql (or similar) function to return all available stored procedures

Our database engineer builds stored procedures for us to call from Python/R etc. These now number in the multiple 10s, over 2-3 databases.

I've got records of what 70% of them do, but I wondered if there was a quick/dirty way to query the database(s), and pull back a list of available stored procedures (given the supplied logins within the connection string.)

I typically use

sql = "
EXEC stored_proc_name
@param1 = 'xyz',
@param2 = 'abc'
cnxn = pymssql.connect(
                host = r'',
                port = '1433',
                user = r'db_user',
                password = r'pdws',
                database = 'db_name'

and then the wonderful pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnxn). This works fine - as long as i know the stored proc name and params required.

I've got most of them hard coded in to a module, but just thought i'd see if anyone knows of some in-built functionality to interrogate the database for this info - at least the available stored procedures, but also the required params too, if at all possible.


  • Ok this became quickly irrelevant for the initial issue, but just this week became relevant again.

    What I was looking for was:

    sql_SPs = """Select [NAME] from sysobjects where type = 'P' and category = 0"""

    and when called as:

    df_1 = pd.read_sql_query(sql_SPs, cnxn)

    Returns a dataframe (fine in this instance) with the stored procedures listed