I am setting up a mongoDB cluster on mongoDB atlas.
To connect to the cluster you get an URL like cluster-01.mongodb.net
. For convenience reasons I tried to set up a CNAME record on AWS Route53 pointing from cluster-01.my-company.co
to the mongoDB cloud URL above.
When connecting to the cluster:
mongo "mongodb+srv://mongo-01.my-company.co/test" --username user
But I am getting the following error:
DNSHostNotFound: Failed to look up service "_mongodb._tcp.mongo-01.my-company.co": Undefined error: 0
Has anyone experiences in setting up a CNAME record for a mongoDB cloud cluster?
This is not possible. See https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CDRIVER-2556 and in particular this commit https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/commit/3c1ff124ce47fa7b5d97b336028e575efd0e3d1e , which specifically disallows using CNAME with mongo+srv.