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How to substitute data frame columns in mathematics equations in python?

I have a issue with sympy, I have a data frame columns which has to be calculated with a formula and the formula is in string format I am using sympy it's taking only one value but not the series value my code

    import sympy
    def eval_eqn(eqn,in_dict):
        sub = {sympy.symbols(key):item for key,item in in_dict.items()}
        ans = sympy.simplify(eqn).evalf(subs = sub)
        return ans
    in_dict = {"x": df['bike_count'],"y":df['car_count'],"z":df['flight_count']}
    eqn = "x+y+z"

when I use this getting an error says that series has to attribute func.any suggestions?


  • I did some minor changes to your code. Below is the updated version. Kindly change it as per your needs.

    from sympy import *
    import pandas as pd 
    # initialize list of lists 
    data = [[10, 15, 14]] 
    # Create the pandas DataFrame 
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['bike_count', 'car_count','flight_count']) 
    def eval_eqn(eqn,in_dict):
        sub = {symbols(key):item for key,item in in_dict.items()}
        ans = simplify(eqn).evalf(subs = sub)
        return ans
    in_dict = {"x": df['bike_count'],"y":df['car_count'],"z":df['flight_count']}
    x, y, z = symbols("x y z")
    eqn = x+y+z

    Edited for the comment on more than one value in df

    from sympy import *
    import pandas as pd 
    # initialize list of lists 
    data = [[10, 15, 14],[20, 15, 14]] 
    # Create the pandas DataFrame 
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['bike_count', 'car_count','flight_count']) 
    def eval_eqn(eqn,in_dict):
        sub = {symbols(key):item for key,item in in_dict.items()}
        ans = simplify(eqn).evalf(subs = sub)
        return ans
    in_dict = {"x": df['bike_count'],"y":df['car_count'],"z":df['flight_count']}
    x, y, z = symbols("x y z")
    eqn = x+y+z
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        print({"x": row['bike_count'],"y":row['car_count'],"z":row['flight_count']})
        print(eval_eqn(eqn,{"x": row['bike_count'],"y":row['car_count'],"z":row['flight_count']}))

    Please see it and let me know if you need more help. :)