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Vue-apollo refetch query from another component

I wonder if it's possible to refetch a query from one component so it would be updated in another component without refreshing the component itself. After a mutation, I see that the apollo cache has been updated, but I don't see the data in my other component that is "alive" already. My global apollo fetch policy is:

watchQuery: {
  fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network'


  • I've figured out, that I need to update my cache directly with writeQuery. Because refetchQuery gives you a new object, but if you want it to be snappy, you need to mutate your existing object in your apollo cache. A code example would be:

        mutation: CREATE_USER,
        variables: { ...user },
        update(store, { data: { createUser } }) {
          const data = store.readQuery({ query: LIST_USERS })
          store.writeQuery({ query: LIST_USERS, data })