We are shifting our code infra from cyclone to tornado now. Previously we were using @cyclone.web.asynchronous for one of our api for non blocking async call in cyclone(so that we do not block the UI). What is the alternative of this in tornado, @tornado.web.asynchronous is not working in tornado 6.1. My code for cyclone is someting like this
class ABCHandler(cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
# Spawn a thread to import the files and leave the post method
# asynchronous decorator will keep the request open to write the response on,
# once the import is complete
file_handler.start() ---- this is a thread that do all the heavy work and in this method we are
closing the request with self.finish
Class file_handler():
---do some heavy work, like importing a file
What can be its tornado equivalent method.
I tried various things like adding gencouroutine decorater, change method name to async but nothing seems to work.
Use Python's async def
You can't use regular threading with Tornado, so you'll have to use the run_in_executor
method. It will run the code in a separate thread but will allow you to wait for the result without blocking.
class ABCHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
async def post(self):
loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()
some_data = await loop.run_in_executor(executor=None, func=blocking_func)
# this is a blocking code
# you don't have to create a separate thread for this
# because `run_in_executor` will take care of that.
def blocking_func():
# do blocking things here
return some_data