Is there a way to ignore all fields by default on a GraphQL type and only add the wanted field?
Hot Chocolate infers GraphQL type members form the C# type automatically.
This means that the following code ...
public class Foo
public string Bar { get; set; }
public string? Baz { get; set; }
public class FooType : ObjectType<Foo>
will result in the following GraphQL type:
type Foo {
bar: String!
baz: String
In my use-case I want to change this behavior and define explicitly which type member of my C# type is used in the GraphQL type.
Hot Chocolate allows you to reverse the behavior per type or for the whole schema.
To declare all fields on one specific type, explicitly do the following:
public class FooType : ObjectType<Foo>
protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<Person> descriptor)
// this defines that fields shall only be defined explicitly
// now declare the fields that you want to define.
descriptor.Field(t => t.Bar);
type Foo {
bar: String!
If you want to declare fields explicitly on all types in your schema, you can set the following option:
// this option will, by default, define that you want to declare everything explicitly.
.ModifyOptions(c => c.DefaultBindingBehavior = BindingBehavior.Explicit);
If you set it globally, you can override it always per type, meaning you can define in that case to bind members implicitly on a by type basis.