I need to use a regexp to extract bold text from rtf formatted text. For example: The \b brown fox\b0 jumped over the \b lazy dog\b0.
How can I get only the text enclosed between \b and \b0? I tried this expression but it returned only the first match: (\\b.+\b0[^\\b])
string s = @"The \b brown fox\b0 jumped over the \b lazy dog\b0";
Regex rgx = new Regex(@"\\b(.*?)\\b0");
foreach (Match m in rgx.Matches(s))
Alternatively you can use captures:
string s = @"The \b brown fox\b0 jumped over the \b lazy dog\b0";
Regex rgx = new Regex(@"(.*?\\b(.*?)\\b0)*");
foreach (Capture c in rgx.Match(s).Groups[2].Captures)