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Is it possible to dynamically query Google APIs to see how much of the limit/quota you've used?

For a given Google API, is there any way to dynamically check usage against any of the current limits for that API?

For example, this page shows that I can query the Classrooms API 4,000,000 times per client per day. At midday, without going to the API Console, how could I know that I've already hit 3 million queries?

I'm hoping that there's a billing or usage API that covers this, but can't see it.

Note: I'm not having any issue right now with a specific call, just anticipating that my usage will scale up significantly in the next few months, so am looking for a solution for monitoring rather than advice on not hitting the limits at all. My specific use-case is for Google Classrooms, but reading wider around this I can't see a general solution either.


  • Answer:

    No, dynamically you can't retrieve this information.

    Feature Request:

    You can however let Google know that this is a feature that is important for the Google Workspace APIs to have, and that you would like to request they implement it.

    The page to file a Feature Request for the Google Classroom API is here, as there is no specific component for Google Workspace APIs in general I would suggest filing it here instead.