I am getting a random web part error, it works one refresh and then not the next:
Web Part Error: One of the properties of the web part has an incorrect format. Windows SharePoint services cannot deserialize the Web Part. Check the format of the properties and try again.
The web parts have been on the site for a long time, and I have checked Micorsoft Support, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/826786 . And it is not a permision error becuase it has been this way for a long time. The only thing changed in regards to webparts was going into Site settings > Web Parts > New and selected some webparts that were not in the list and I think I also Checked the ones that are having this random error and clicked "Populae Gallery". Any body have a clue?
but try doing this:
Go the central administration
operations service accounts Web application pool (radio button) webservice (drop down); select windows sharepoint services web app application pool (second drop down); select the site that the problems occurs on e.g. home_port_80 user name (text field): type in the account info you have used during sharepoint post installation configuration password: at last type in the password.
hope it helps