I am looking to find the median as floats in the Excel which is longitude and contains (-68.2288284302 ~ -159.4401397705)
However, based on my code it returns 173.3871917725 which is not make sense.. right ? It suppose to return around -91.xxxxx based on calculation in Excel.
below is my code:
for i in range(2, maxRow+1):
country = sheet.cell(i,7).value
longitude = sheet.cell(i,6).value
median = np.median(longitude)
if country=="United States":
print("United States " + str(median))
below is the ss for output.
So what i concern is how can i find the right number of median ?
Could anyone help me with this issue ?
You are computing median on a single value, you should build a list and then compute
the median:
longitude_list = []
for i in range(2, maxRow+1):
country = sheet.cell(i,7).value
longitude = sheet.cell(i,6).value
median = np.median(longitude)