I have two APIs with same end points, but different URLs. Like this:
API_1 = /takeout/{t_note}
API_2 = /takeout/{t_note}
A client send a 'GET' request to API_1 but instead of giving a response back, it just route to API_2 and show the response of API_2, where all the logic happens. Client thinks that it communicate with API_2 but in reality send the request to API_1. So, at the end API_1 is just some proxy, which only route the request to API_2 for response.
Any idea how to achieve this? What i am looking for is this:
class TakeOut(object):
def on_get (self, resp, req, t_note:str):
resp.body = json.dumps() # response of API_2 here for endpoint /takeout/{t_note}
# t_note is just a id in string format which sent by the client
Something like this maybe. I am new to falcon and APIs.
import falcon
class Api2(object):
def on_get(self, _req, resp, arg1: str):
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 if arg1 == '200' else falcon.HTTP_400
resp.media = {'arg': arg1}
app = falcon.API()
api2 = Api2()
app.add_route('/api2/{arg1}', api2)
import falcon
import requests
class Api1(object):
def on_get(self, _req, resp, arg1: str):
api2_resp = requests.get(f'{arg1}')
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 if api2_resp.status_code == 200 else falcon.HTTP_400
dic = api2_resp.json()
dic["api1"] = 'payload'
resp.media = dic
app = falcon.API()
api1 = Api1()
app.add_route('/api1/{arg1}', api1)
gunicorn app2:app
gunicorn -b '' app1:app
curl -i
=> HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... {"arg": "200", "api1": "payload"}
curl -i
=> HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request ... {"arg": "201", "api1": "payload"}