Can anyone explain to me what is the cause of this behavior?
The problem is that, from "off" to "2" always shows perfectly, above the radius I gave. Radius is +35 than the circle's radius.
Now when I write digits, as it goes down, it starts to mess up.
And in terms of alphabets, it touches the edge and overlaps it.
can anyone tell me the reason for this? because radius is always more than the current circle's radius so the alphabets should appear similarly like "off".
computation of xy points...
// Angles are in radians.
val startAngle = Math.PI * (9 / 8.0)
val angle = startAngle + pos.ordinal * (Math.PI / 4)
x = (radius * cos(angle)).toFloat() + width / 2
y = (radius * sin(angle)).toFloat() + height / 2
I played around with the degrees and it seems like the closer to 0 degree starts to mess up, as the degrees increase, it keeps adding more space in radius.
Illustrated here... I would like to what what is causing this behavior, or just explain the reason/ math behind it. thanks
From the comments it looks like you are following this code lab code
You just need to take into account text ascent and decent. So draw the numbers on the circumference of the circle
val yPos = (pointPosition.y - (paint.descent() + paint.ascent()) / 2).toInt()
canvas.drawText(label, pointPosition.x, yPos.toFloat(), paint)
The above is based on Android Center text on canvas
This does draw the text at the correct place, but if the text is too large it does overlap