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ReadTheDocs site with 2 long-term version branches

My project has 2 versions that are actively maintained (2.x and 3.x). 3.x is newer but I am still releasing updates to the 2.x documentation.

How can I have 2 branches of my docs on ReadTheDocs? I imagine something like:

Currently, if someone goes to, they get the 2.x docs, but after 1 year I want to flip that to point to the 3.x docs.

Reading this page, it seems like I want 2 "release branches", but I cannot find more info about this.


  • Take a look at Pyramid's repository for how we manage branches for publishing our docs on RTD. We actively maintain three branches, master, 1.10-branch, and 1.9-branch, where master is the development branch and 1.10-branch is the latest stable released branch.

    In RTD under Admin > Advanced Settings, we currently configure "latest" as Default version and 1.10-branch as Default branch. We also do not delete old branches. With this configuration, we publish 14 RTD "Versions" of Pyramid, from 1.0-branch to 2.0-branch, plus master and latest.

    We also build pull requests as an extra check that docs build successfully because RTD sometimes updates its build environment with a new version of Sphinx.