I would like to replace a part of URL with XMLStarlet.
to http://example2.com
As you can see the text I'd like to replace is on multiple levels in:
So far I tried:
xmlstarlet ed -u "//SHOP/SHOPITEMS/SHOPITEM/IMGURL/*[starts-with(text(), 'http://example.com:8081')]" -v http://example2.com input.xml
not worked... and:
xmlstarlet ed -u "//SHOP/SHOPITEMS/SHOPITEM/IMGURL/text()" -x "str:replace(., 'http://example.com:8081', 'http://example2.com')" input.xml
xmlXPathCompOpEval: function replace not found
Unregistered function
Segmentation fault
Any help is appreciated.
Not a real replace, but a substring trick. At least it works:
xmlstarlet ed -u "//*[starts-with(text(),'http://example.com:8081/')]" -x "concat('http://example2.com/',substring(text(),25))" input.xml