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Postgres with Knex - query where an array contains a particular value

Surprising as it is, I haven't been able to figure out how to return a table that has an array that contains a particular value using knex. I see in the Postgres docs it's possible.

in sql

SELECT ... FROM fdt WHERE c1 IN (1, 2, 3)

but I can't find how this would be done with knex. One suggestion online was using whereIn.

So I tried

knex.from('pin_table').select('*').whereIn('likes_recieved', id)
 .whereIn('likes_sent', id)

(I also tried whereIn with the array and search parameter switched like .whereIn(id, 'likes_recieved')

but I keep getting back a syntax error:

"select * from "pin_table" where "10" in $1 and "10" in $2 - syntax error at or near "$1"

Can anyone tell me how to do this with knex or knex.raw?



  • This depends a bit on whether you're using the ARRAY type, or if likes_sent is built from a subquery etc. If it's an array, you're probably going to need to use ANY:

    knex.from('pin_table').whereRaw('? = ANY(likes_received)', id);

    That's a best guess without seeing your schema. Usually I'd be tempted to use a separate table rather than the Postgres array:

    knex('pin_table as p')
      .join('likes as l', '', 'l.pin_id')
      .where('l.user_id', id);

    See for a discussion of potential pitfalls and advantages of Postgres arrays.