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How to see Google Cloud Compute Engine Logs

How can I see the logs regarding the VMs that has been created on Google Cloud Compute Engine ?


  • Google Operations Logging (formerly Stackdriver) provides this information.

    To see the details on Google Compute Engine instances that were created in a project, filter based upon the API operation v1.compute.instances.insert and the resouce type resource.type=gce_instance.

    Note: the resouce type is not always necessary but it is best to be declarative in what logging should search for.

    Example using the CLI:

    gcloud logging read "resource.type=gce_instance protoPayload.methodName=v1.compute.instances.insert" --format json

    Example using the Google Cloud Console - Legacy Logs Viewer

    • Go to

    • Verify that the desired Google Cloud project is displayed in the title area.

    • In the box showing the text "Filter by label or text search" click the dropdown and select "Convert to advanced filter".

    • In the box showing the text "Filter by label or text search" enter the following (as two lines in the filter box):



    • Select the desired date search range in the box "Last hour"

    • Click the "Submit Filter" button

    Example Filtered Search