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How do I modularize a prime factorization Python script to take in a list as input?

I have working Python code (below) that cracks an RSA key and times the prime factorization. How do I put this code into a module that takes a list of integers representing n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n? I want to pass in a list of integers and return a table of the n-values and run times like this:

n   run time
15  0.2
16  1.1
17  1.4
18  10.6
19  30.2
20  46.6


import random
import math
import timeit

while True:
        n = input("Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: ")
        n = int(n)

    except ValueError:
        print('\nPlease enter an integer value.')
def isPrime(m):
    for i in range(2, m//2, 1):
        if m % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

def nBitPrime(n):
    r = random.random()
    m = int(r * (2**n))
    if m >= 2 and isPrime(m) == True:
        return m
    return nBitPrime(n)

def getPQ(n):
    pq = nBitPrime(n) * nBitPrime(n)
    return pq

pq = getPQ(n)

def factor(pq):
    p = math.floor(math.sqrt(getPQ(n)))
    if p % 2 == 0: 
        p += 1
    while p < pq:
        if pq % p == 0:
            return p, int(pq/p)
        p += 2
def wrapper(func,*args):
    def wrapped():
        return func(*args)
    return wrapped

wrapped = wrapper(factor, n)
speed = (timeit.timeit(wrapped, number=1))*1000
print(round(speed, 4))

Thanks in advance.


  • There are several issues here. To start with, your factor function regenerates a new pq value, ignoring the one you produced earlier. This counts the time to get pq twice. Also, measuring time on a single execution for a process that uses a random number generator doesn't give you a good idea of the performance. You need to make several runs to get an average.

    I cleaned up your code a bit and changed the way time is measured to get an average over 100 runs:

    your code:

    import random
    import math
    import timeit
    def isPrime(m):
        for i in range(2, m//2, 1):
            if m % i == 0:
                return False
        return True
    def nBitPrime(n):
        r = random.random()
        m = int(r * (2**n))
        if m >= 2 and isPrime(m) == True: 
            return m
        return nBitPrime(n)
    def getPQ(n):
        pq = nBitPrime(n) * nBitPrime(n)
        return pq
    def factor(pq):   
        p = math.floor(math.sqrt(pq))
        if p % 2 == 0: 
            p += 1
        while p < pq:
            if pq % p == 0:
                return p, int(pq/p)
            p += 2
    while True:
            n    = input("Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: ")
            n    = int(n)
            time = timeit.timeit(lambda:factor(getPQ(n)), number=100)
        except ValueError:
            print('\nPlease enter an integer value.')

    Apart from simple code optimizations, using a prime number generator and a list of primes will speed it up considerably.

    Here are sample implementations of the same functions, in a more efficient and Pythonic way, to help you make better functions of your own:

    prime number generation (as needed)

    primes     = [2,3]
    primeSkip  = {9:3}
    # fill primes list up to the square root of N
    def morePrimes(N):
        lastPrime = primes[-1]
        while lastPrime*lastPrime<N:
            lastPrime += 2
            if lastPrime not in primeSkip:
                primeSkip[lastPrime*lastPrime] = lastPrime
            prime = primeSkip.pop(lastPrime)
            multiple = lastPrime + 2*prime
            while multiple in primeSkip: multiple += 2*prime
            primeSkip[multiple] = prime

    prime test

    # prime test uses the known prime list as a search mechanism
    # and only checks divisions for primes when a larger number is given
    from bisect import bisect_left        
    def isPrime(N):
        if N<=primes[-1]:
            return primes[bisect_left(primes,N)] == N
        for p in primes:
            if N%p == 0: return False
            if p*p>N: return True
        return True

    random n-bit prime

    # non-recursive implementation (faster than recursive)
    # also uses randrange() to get the appropriate values without multiplication
    # and floating point arithmetics
    def nBitPrime(n):
        p = random.randrange(2,2**n)
        while not isPrime(p):
            p = random.randrange(2,2**n)
        return p


    # factorisation uses primes going backward from the square root of pq
    # given that p and q are supposed to be large primes, this should converge
    # faster to the two factors.
    def factor(pq):
        i = bisect_left(primes,int(pq**0.5)+1)
        i = min(i,len(primes)-1)
        while i>0:
            p = primes[i]
            if pq%p == 0: return p,pq//p
            i -= 1            

    test runs

    Your original code (cleaned up):
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 10
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 15
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 20


    # With the improved functions
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 10
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 15
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 20

    There is some overhead to the prime based function that offsets the benefits for smaller bit sizes but they provide a noticeable improvement on the higher end

    other considerations

    The values you are generating for p and q are do not meet the criteria that are usually used to select them. They have to be large primes that are far apart enough from each other. A purely random generation will produce weak values of pq that are easy to factor (although, below 32 bits the prime based factorisation will find them quickly)

    This may be a little better:

    def getPQ(n):
        p = random.randrange(2**(n-4),2**(n-2))
        while not isPrime(p):
            p = random.randrange(2**(n-4),2**(n-2))
        q = random.randrange(p*2,2**n)
        while not isPrime(q):
            q = random.randrange(p*2,2**n)
        return p*q

    It would also be a good idea to measure the factorisation time separately from random pq generation. Your cracking function would typically be used on an existing key so generating pq has already been done beforehand to produce the key. This will highlight the large performance difference between your implementation of the factor() function and the prime based one.

    while True:
            n    = input("Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: ")
            n    = int(n)
            pq   = getPQ(n)
            print("pq",pq) # exclude this from time measurement
            time = timeit.timeit(lambda:factor(pq), number=100)
        except ValueError:
            print('\nPlease enter an integer value.')

    Testing only the factor() function performance:

    # Your code:
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 20
    pq 78161507029
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 20
    pq 414308573933
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 20
    pq 192833207923


    # Prime based:
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 20
    pq 36909677657
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 20
    pq 62575471813
    Please enter a number n for creating an n-bit prime number for range 0...2^n: 20
    pq 761609512621