I'm currently using syn following an example to create an AST that can be mutated. I understand that I can modify the node I'm travesing (as shown below in my current code) but I'm curious if I can add some code in between the current node and the next node. Is the syn crate capable of this?
use syn::visit_mut::{self, VisitMut};
use syn::Expr;
struct MyStruct;
impl VisitMut for MyStruct {
fn visit_expr_mut(&mut self, node: &mut Expr) {
if let Expr::MethodCall(expr) = &node.to_owned() {
// I can modify the existing node like so:
*node = parse_quote!("// Hello World");
// How could I add something after this node and before the next?
pub fn create() {
let current_dir = std::env::current_dir().expect("Unable to get current directory");
let rust_file = std::fs::read_to_string(current_dir.join("src").join("lib.rs")).expect("Unable to read rust file");
let ast = syn::parse_file(&rust_file).expect("Unable to create AST from rust file");
MyStruct.visit_file_mut(&mut ast);
Edit to show use case:
The file I'm currently parsing looks like:
extern crate foo;
mod test;
fn init(handle: foo::InitHandle) {
Let's say that when I read the AST, I want to add another mod and another handle for it like so:
extern crate foo;
mod test;
mod store;
fn init(handle: foo::InitHandle) {
As I commented, it highly depends on what you want to insert. Because you can't just insert anything before or after node
For your specific case, you could use parse_quote!
to produce an ExprBlock
*node = parse_quote!(
Which with the following input:
fn init(handle: foo::InitHandle) {
Would produce this output:
fn init(handle: foo::InitHandle) {
(Note I have reformatted the output, to be prettier)
Alternatively, you could override visit_block_mut()
instead. That way you'd have access to stmts: Vec<Stmt>
, and would be able to insert before and after a Stmt
. The downside is that by doing it that way, you wouldn't be able to easily visit all Expr
s, as by using visit_expr_mut()