I am trying to create a virtual environment with python 3.8.0. I'm currently using Ubuntu 20.04. Which has python 3.8.5 installed. So I have installed pyenv and installed python 3.8.0 as well.
When I run this command: pipenv --python 3.8.0 shell
I get this error message:
Warning: Python 3.8.0 was not found on your system...
Would you like us to install CPython 3.8.0 with Pyenv? [Y/n]: Y
Installing CPython 3.8.0 with /home/tareq/.pyenv/libexec/pyenv (this may take a few minutes)...
✔ Success!
Warning: The Python you just installed is not available on your PATH, apparently.
I have read a github issue which didn't help me. Any idea how can I solve this?
Before that make sure which version of python you have. By python -V.Then put that version after --python. Here is the example.
python3 -m pipenv --python 3.8 shell
Also you can specify the python version location
python3 -m pipenv --python ~/desktop/python3.8