I am trying to create a hash where keys are number, and values is array [0,0] of counts from two arrays.
what i am confused is why my_hash2.store(x,my_hash2[x][1]+1)
don't update my counts.
my_hash2 = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = [0,0]}
[12,12,13,14,15,16].each do |x|
my_hash2[x][0] += 1
puts my_hash2 # => {12=>[2, 0], 13=>[1, 0], 14=>[1, 0], 15=>[1, 0], 16=>[1, 0]}
[12,12,13].each do |x|
puts my_hash2 # => {12=>1, 13=>1, 14=>[1, 0], 15=>[1, 0], 16=>[1, 0]}
puts my_hash2[12][0] #=> 1
puts my_hash2[12][1] #=> 0
associates the value given by value with the key given by key.
(as per docs https://apidock.com/ruby/Hash/store)
So this means that any value stored by your key is replaced by the new value.
my_hash2 = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = [0,0]}
[12,12,13,14,15,16].each do |x|
my_hash2[x][0] += 1
puts my_hash2 # => {12=>[2, 0], 13=>[1, 0], 14=>[1, 0], 15=>[1, 0], 16=>[1, 0]}
[12,12,13].each do |x|
# in the first run in case of 12 this replaces your [2, 0] with 1 because current value of my_hash2[12][1] is 0 and 0 + 1 is 1
# in the second run we also get 12 but my_hash2[12] is 1 now. and 1[1] equals 0. You are here essentially doing my_hash[12] = 1[1] + 1 = 0 + 1 and it correctly gives you 1
# in the third run it operates on my_hash2[13][1] but same rules apply
puts my_hash2 # => {12=>1, 13=>1, 14=>[1, 0], 15=>[1, 0], 16=>[1, 0]}
puts my_hash2[12] #=> 1
puts my_hash2[12][0] #=> 1
puts my_hash2[12][1] #=> 0
so you need to either not use .store
or change this line:
new_val = [my_hash[x][0], my_hash[x][1]+1]
my_hash2.store(x, new_val)
the curious thing is why doing something like 1[0]
will give you 1
but 1[1]
will give you 0
(and not raise any errors)
and the answer is again in the docs :)
int[n] → 0, 1
Bit Reference—Returns the nth bit in the binary representation of int, where int[0] is the least significant bit.
this means that if we turn 1 into bit representation we then proceed to get the nth bit from that representation. And 1 has the bit on the 0 position and all other positions (so 1,2,3,4...) are all 0. That's why 1[0] gives you 1 but 1[1] or 1[3] will get you 0.