I used a reactive function on the server to create a data frame.
And I want to express the unique vector of one column of this data frame as selectinput in the UI.
DATA<-data.frame(ID, NAME)
DATAFRAME<-reactive({DATA[DATA$ID %in% input$ID,})
In other words, I want to show a list of Names for data that has been refined once by ID in advance.
In order to react to changes in the reactive expression DATAFRAME
you can use an observer
and update the list of names with updateSelectizeInput
(as pointed out by @MrFlick).
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Widget Dependencies Sample App"),
selectizeInput("IdSelect", "Choose ID", "N/A"), # IDs to select from
selectizeInput("IdName", "Choose Name", "N/A"), # Names depend on selected ID
tableOutput("IdDatatable") # show the whole data set to understand what happens
server <- function(input, output, session) {
ID <- paste("ID", 1:3, sep = "_")
NAME <- LETTERS[1:(3*5)]
DATA <- data.frame(ID, NAME)
updateSelectizeInput(session, "IdSelect", choices = unique(ID))
DATAFRAME <- reactive({DATA[DATA$ID %in% input$IdSelect, ]})
updateSelectizeInput(session, "IdName", choices = unique(DATAFRAME()$NAME))
output$IdDatatable <- renderTable(DATA)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
However, if you need the reactive expression DATAFRAME
only once, you can make the code even simpler. In that case, you wouldn't observe a DATAFRAME that reacts to changes in a widget. You can omit the DATAFRAME
and observe the input widget directly. This observer generates a filtered vector of Names
and changes the choices in the selectizeInput
with only one observer.
Names <- DATA$NAME[DATA$ID %in% input$IdSelect]
updateSelectizeInput(session, "IdName", choices = unique(Names))