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Isabelle: Too many precedences in mixfix annotation

I am experimenting the following example classes.pdf in Isabelle tutorial (2020), pp6. I did my best translating the PDF content into proof text, such as changing α in the PDF to 'a, adding quotes etc.

class group = monoidl +
  fixes inverse :: "'a ⇒ 'a" ("(-÷)" [1000] 999)
  assumes invl : "x ÷ ⊗ x = 𝟭"

However, the definition above still doesn't parse, with an error:

Too many precedences in mixfix annotation

I am not sure how the inverse notation should be declared. I've encountered infix notation only so far.

Can someone help explain how the fix the "mixfix" annotation in the example?


  • According to the Isabelle sources of the document, it is an underscore, not a hyphen:

    class group = monoidl +
      fixes inverse :: "\<alpha> \<Rightarrow> \<alpha>"    ("(_\<div>)" [1000] 999)
      assumes invl: "x\<div> \<otimes> x = \<one>"

    Replacing underscores by hyphens is a feature of the document generation. Hyphen look nicer than underscore (at least in patterns).