I've looked and tried all possible alternatives found in other questions about dropdown menus with RSelenium. However for some reason none of them get this issue solved.
I'm trying to fill a form on this page consisting of 2 dropdown menus and 2 date selectors + a button press. I can't get past the first dropdown of "Empresa"
I've managed to select the appropiate element but when clicking nothing happens. Also, cannot replicate the behavior of a manual click in a Selenium click.
Hopefully someone has an insight I can apply.
link <- "https://www.smv.gob.pe/Frm_EVCP?data=5A959494701B26421F184C081CACF55BFA328E8EBC"
driver <- rsDriver(browser="firefox", port=4545L)
remote_driver <- driver[["client"]]
# remote_driver$open()
Credicorp_SAF <- remote_driver$findElement(using = "xpath",value = '/html/body/form/div[3]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/select/option[contains(text(), "CREDICORP CAPITAL")]')
Credicorp_SAF$clickElement() #Nothing happens in the open browser
Credicorp_SAF$getElementText() #Verifying it's the correct one
The page uses jQuery. You can trigger that from javascript with:
I'm not sure how to execute that in RSelenium, apparently it's something like:
remDr$executeScript(script, args = list("dummy"))