So far, I have created a game in python to guess a random number. It works fine, but I want to create a reset button that will allow the user to guess one another time but different number than the first time. This is my code so far
import tkinter as tk
import random
randombroj=random.randint(0, 10)
def check():
result=int(glvnes.get()) #the value of entry widget
if result==randombroj:
gldugme.grid_forget() #hide check button widget
glvnes.grid_forget() #hide entry widget
bravo=tk.Label(root, text="Congratulations!!") #congratulations widget
bravo.grid(pady=0, row=1)
def restart(): #restart function located in check function
randombroj=random.randint(0, 10) #get new random number
bravo.destroy() #destroy congratulations widget
weset.destroy() #destroy restart button
gldugme.grid(pady=20, row=2) #display again check button
glvnes.grid(pady=0, row=1) #display again entry widget
weset=tk.Button(root, text="Restart", font=("arial italic", 18), bg='#6BDF63', command=restart) #the restart button
weset.config(width=13, heigh=2)
weset.grid(pady=20, row=2)
root.title("Guess The Secret Number")
glmeni=tk.Label(root, text="Can you gess the secret number?", bg='#8CCEC0', font=("arial italic", 19)) #main widget
glmeni.grid(pady=30, padx=28, row=0)
glvnes=tk.Entry(root, text="Enter number here:") #entry box
glvnes.grid(pady=0, row=1)
gldugme=tk.Button(root, text="Check", font=("arial italic", 18),
bg='#6BDF63', command=check) #check button
gldugme.config(width=13, heigh=2)
gldugme.grid(pady=20, row=2)
Wnen you press the check button, if it is correct it will display congratulations, and than the check button is replaced with reset button. When I click it, the entry widget and the check button are reopening, but the random value doesn't change. It stays as it was the first time. How do I fix it?
You need to delete the last guess from the entry and declare randomobroj
as global inside restart()
def restart(): #restart function located in check function
global randombroj
glvnes.delete(0, "end") # clear last guess