typedef struct {
char a[5];
char b[7];
void actOnFooishThings(footype *pfoo){
printf("Address of pfoo = %d\r\n", pfoo);
printf("Address of pfoo + 1 = %d\r\n", pfoo + 1);
printf("Size of pfoo = %d\r\n", sizeof(pfoo));
void main() {
footype bar;
printf("Size of bar = %d\r\n", sizeof(bar));
output :
Size of bar = 12
Address of pfoo = 537394080
Address of pfoo + 1 = 537394092
Size of pfoo = 4
Since adding 1 to pfoo produced the result I expected (12 bytes ahead of base address) I am surprised that sizeof did not result in "12". I understand the "4". It is telling me the size of a pointer variable but it seems inconsistent with the pfoo + 1 result. How to I retrieve the size of pointer pfoo? Do I do something silly like (pfoo + 1) - pfoo?
All the comments are hugely instructive. Thank you. User Dxiv gave the response I was looking for. The "correct" syntax for what I was trying to do was:
Credit to user Yunnosch for pointing out my question phrasing was off. I hope I am forgiven since my knowledge at the time of the post lacked what it now has after asking the question. The question should have been "how can I determine the size of the datatype pointed to by pfoo?"