I haven't been able to use any site from https://azure.microsoft.com/ on my Chrome browser for some time. Everything works fine on Edge and Firefox. I don't use VPN or Chrome extensions like Adblock. On chrome I get a message like below:
The request is blocked. Ref A: 6EC268978EAE456FB75BAF9CB28FE4E6 Ref B: WAW01EDGE0310 Ref C: 2021-01-15T19:35:05Z
In Chrome console:
Do you know the cause or solution of this problem? Thank you in advance.
Deleting cookies for azure.microsoft.com resolved the issue.
Instructions are here: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en-GB#zippy=%2Cdelete-cookies-from-a-site