When using Deployment Manager and Cloud Function, it seems that when a code change is made to the function, deployment manager doesn't seem to detect and update the function.
To reproduce:
How do I invalidate the function so that it is correctly deployed?
This is related to the provided link, github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google/issues/1938.
It seems a hash of the zip is not performed so some kind of change is required to the deployment name or other properties.
My solution was to get the current deployment version, and increment it and pass it as a property to the function.
increment_function_version() {
[[ -z "$FUN" ]] && echo "error: require function name" && exit 1
if ! gcloud functions describe $FUN --region=europe-west2 2> /dev/null; then
VERSION=$(gcloud functions describe $FUN --region=europe-west2 | grep versionId | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed "s|\'||g")
NEW_VERSION=$(expr $(($VERSION + 1)))
In order to do this with deployment manager, I had to transition from YAML to full python schemas (or Jinja), as properties cannot be passed with using the --config flag.
gcloud deployment-manager --project $PROJECT_ID deployments update $NAME $TEMPLATE_FLAG --template mytemplate.py --properties version:$NEW_VERSION
It's important that you provide a schema with the python template for your imports otherwise the deploy with fail.