I'm on Nuxt.js 2.13 and I want to use Google tags in my project.
But there are several things that are not clear to me!
First: there are two packages by pi0 in Nuxt.js community, @nuxtjs/gtm and @nuxtjs/google-gtag. Which one should I use?
Second: How can I use dataLayer.push({'varName':'value'})
with these packages? As in their documentation they only instructed about push('event')
About the first point:
As explained in the release notes:
This is a major rewrite of @nuxtjs/google-tag-manager after 3 years of contributions and feedback from users.
About the second point, you have to use the $gtm.push
method to make your push event or data.
For example, in your pages/index.vue
export default {
middleware ({ $gtm }) {
$gtm.push({ 'varName': 'value' })
See another full example with configuration at https://github.com/nuxt-community/gtm-module/tree/master/example.