I want to understand how the code below works can someone help me through this See the code below
keys = ['name', 'age', 'food'] values = ['Monty', 42, 'spam']
dict = {}
for index, item in enumerate(keys):
dict[item] = values[index]
keys = ['name', 'age', 'food']
values = ['Monty', 42, 'spam']
d = {}
for key, value in zip(keys,values):
d[key] = value
print (d)
{'name': 'Monty', 'age': 42, 'food': 'spam'}
You code example was, indeed, quite complicated. This zip()
method makes a list of lists (nested list).
To comment your code:
keys = ['name', 'age', 'food']
values = ['Monty', 42, 'spam']
dic = {}
#index is common to keys and values lists, item is the element at index for keys list
for index, item in enumerate(keys):
#You set the key item with the element found at the corresponding index in values
dic[item] = values[index]