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2-way interop/IPC between SWI Prolog & Python

There is module to call from Python (pyswip) =to=> Prolog, but is there a way to call the other way around from Prolog =to=> Python ?

I need it so I can call Spacy-NLP module from SWI-Prolog

couldn't find if SWI supports ZeroMQ.


  • This is the sample python code in a file "c:\" that extracts the argumentq on the command line (optional). It's results are echoed to the standard output stream.

    import sys
    def hello():
        return 'hello world: ' + ','.join(sys.argv[1:])
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    Here is the prolog program in file "c:\" invoking the above python code as a process:

    do :-
                       ['c:/', foo, bar],
                       [stdout(pipe(In))]), %output stream named In
        read_string(In, Len, X), %In=input stream to read_string/3
        write(X), nl, halt.

    To activate this prolog/python combo and writting the results to the output stream

    $ swipl -g do c:\
    hello world: foo,bar

    Does this do what you wanted?