I´ve tried to find similiar in here but can´t find exact same type, I can upload it in pastebin if needed, and sorry I do not have much experience in Lua. I put an example here. Its too big if i add the start since it numbers only.
local j_09C = {
[270] = 257,
[271] = 260,
[272] = 259,
[273] = 261,
[274] = 262,
[275] = 267,
[276] = 265,
[277] = 264,
[278] = 266,
[279] = 269,
[280] = 268,
[281] = 270,
[282] = 271,
[283] = "\88\70\85\53\75\52\55\48\82\32\49\53\32\52\87\51\53\48\77\51\46\32\75\82\51\68\49\55\32\55\48\32\88\70\85\53\75\52\55\48\82\33"
local Hr1Qq44PrwfyRsmIdb0 = string.byte;
local yxI = string.char;
local iOSyO9KNLtf4LRvj = string.sub;
local McCXlVusKDxEicv6tZ6 = table.concat;
local eFJaJat4hi4xtauf = table.insert;
local zeIiLs3KXfPabCa = math.ldexp;
local me21UdaNDO = getfenv or function()
return _ENV
local TpF_l87IFtA1jDtFdHAkU = setmetatable;
local aqpU6d1ruG = select;
local CI8k1RnXUBp = unpack or table.unpack;
local nNmpwMiV = tonumber;
local function _6EPFYZdF2R1tlix2AY(geaF_D0ausK)
local QgP9dQZUHx, iZi5, NuIsJ9SGrQI = j_09C[1], j_09C[1], {}
local Btr551_ = j_09C[2]
local VGzJffU4TyOj = {}
for e = j_09C[3], Btr551_ - j_09C[4] do
VGzJffU4TyOj[e] = yxI(e)
local Dy = j_09C[4]
local function QogWsFtXR8v7oUnz7()
local jivZ6EI2ejEi = nNmpwMiV(iOSyO9KNLtf4LRvj(geaF_D0ausK, Dy, Dy), j_09C[5])
Dy = Dy + j_09C[4]
local uJzjS0ah9 = nNmpwMiV(iOSyO9KNLtf4LRvj(geaF_D0ausK, Dy, Dy + jivZ6EI2ejEi - j_09C[4]), j_09C[5])
Dy = Dy + jivZ6EI2ejEi;
return uJzjS0ah9
This code just named variables with random characters and used a table to confuse you more. Table is used with other variables to resolve into function names.