I have two sprites one of them is a tank sprite the other is a protection sprite. I want to draw the protection sprite on the tank sprite. The images of the sprites are as follows:
When I draw the protection sprite on the tank sprite, the result is the following:
Center of the protection sprite is empty (according to photoshop, I checked multiple times). I am using the following code for the protection sprite
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(
pygame.image.load(os.path.join(imgFolderExp, "Powerups", "protection-3.png")).convert(), (40, 48))
self.image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
What should I do in order to draw only the lines of the protection sprite so that in the middle of the combined draw, the tank will be seen?
PNGs have per pixel alpha. It is not necessary to set a color key. Simply blit
the protector on the tank. convert()
changes the pixel format to a format without alpha per pixel and removes the transparency information. Use convert_alpha()
filepath = os.path.join(imgFolderExp, "Powerups", "protection-3.png")
protector_surf = pygame.image.load(filepath).convert_alpha()
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(protector_surf, (40, 48))