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Check if props are undefined when loading component

I have a question regarding checking if props are undefined in a functional component in order to render one screen or another.

My functional component:

const InfoHeader = ({population, infected, recovered, deaths, active}) => {
        <div className="infoHeader-wrapper">
            ///code to render the information passed into the props

export default InfoHeader

I know the props on first load are undefined since they only get a value upon user interaction with a section on a map I created.

My question here is:

Rather than doing something like

if(population !==undefined && infected !== undefined && ... )

Is there a better way in order to create a ternary operator to conditionally render one element or another in the functional component' return? Something like:

   allProps !== undefined ?? renderX : renderY

Many thanks


  • you could create a function that takes props that validates all values are not undefined:

    const InfoHeader = (props) => {
      const {population, infected, recovered, deaths, active} = props
      const propsValid = (props) => Object.values(props).every(prop => prop !== undefined)
        propsValid(props) ? renderX : renderY
    export default InfoHeader