a = kw.get('a') #text getting from the user input
models = request.env['htpmodel']
for model in models:
if str(a) != str(model.name):
h = model.create({
'name': a,
If the str of user input(a) is not in the model's name needs to be created otherwise duplicate element needs not to be created
I would suggest searching for the record first using the name you are supplied:
a = kw.get("a")
models = request.env["htpmodel"]
# search to see if a record with that name already exists
record = models.search([("name", "=", a)], limit=1)
if not record:
# the record doesn't exist
h = model.create({
"name": a,
A query to the model would be better practice than to loop through the results.
Let me know if you need anything clarifying,